Saturday, January 21, 2017

Icon. Willie Nelson


Nat Farbman, France, February 1949.

Icon. James Dean

February 1956


Ernst Haas On the Set of The Misfits, Nevada, 1960

Flashback, Amsterdam, 1947

by Dirk de Herder

Not old, but good


Circa 1901. Pere Marquette transfer boat 17. These steamers were operated on various Great Lakes waterways by the Pere Marquette railroad. Unknown.

Icon. Cher

Christmas in Vietnam

1971 by John Alfred Ford

The little worker

Chimney sweep, before child labor laws outlawed the work of such young children. Unknown.

Old parfume

Armin T Wegner, 1890s

Once upon a time...

Antique Cocaine Dish. Cocaine was legal in the US until 1914.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Icon. Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen

Great, great!

New York City, March 1951

 by Yale Joel.


Sebastião Salgado MALI, 1985

Icon. Steve McQueen

 Photograph by William Claxton, 1960s.

Dreaming beast

View from the Notre Dame. Paris, July 1955. Unknown.

The Big War. Unknown

So tiny passion ...Unknown.

Icon. Jeremy Iron



Walking in the lignt. Unknown.

Listening to a little heart. Unknown